Privacy Policy


Onur Olmez is committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy provides a clear explanation of how your information is collected, used, and stored on the web site (the "Site").

Collection of Information

The contact form on the Site, which can be accessed here, collects the following personally identifiable information ("PII") from you:

  • Full name
  • Email address

Additionally, any PII that may be disclosed within the "message" section of the contact form is collected.


All information collected from the contact form is used strictly for communication purposes between yourself and Onur Olmez.


All information is collected through "Google Forms", a third-party service, owned by Google. Information collected is then stored in a spreadsheet on "Google Drive", a third-party cloud storage service, owned by Google. Information stored in this spreadsheet is never shared with any anyone and is periodically deleted by Onur Olmez for security purposes. Google's own privacy policy can be accessed here .

Last updated: August 26, 2021